IVF Pregnancy

Pregnancies are typically dated from the last menstrual period, a practice rooted in obstetric tradition dating back centuries. Term pregnancies are usually considered due after the 40th week of gestation from the start of the last menstrual period. In the case of conception via IVF, where the date of conception is known, we estimate a theoretical last menstrual period by subtracting two weeks from the egg retrieval. For instance, when a patient’s pregnancy test yields a positive result, they are already considered to be four weeks pregnant.

Early Pregnancy Monitoring

A positive pregnancy test is a thrilling moment, especially considering all that our patients have gone through to get to this point. After a positive pregnancy test, our doctors continue to monitor early pregnancy up until 10 weeks, when our patients will establish a relationship with their obstetrician and see them from that point forward.

For the first 7 weeks of pregnancy, the patient will continue to take progesterone by intravaginal tablets or by injection. After that point, their care is individualized depending on factors such as age, general ovarian health, and whether they have multiple embryos.

The first ultrasound exam is to establish the number of embryos that have attached, and the presence of a heartbeat. A second ultrasound assesses the growth and progression of the embryo. Once the second ultrasound confirms healthy fetal growth and heart activity, it is with both joy and a touch of sadness as we bid farewell to the aspiring parent, who will now continue their pregnancy under the care of an obstetrician.

If a patient does not already have an obstetrician, we can provide appropriate referrals to any of the excellent obstetricians in our referral network. We can also assist in obtaining further information about prenatal genetic screening and testing.

Early Pregnancy Spotting and Bleeding

It is very common to experience minor spotting, bleeding, and mild cramping during the first trimester of pregnancy. This does not mean that the individual will lose the pregnancy. Mild spotting, bleeding, or cramping may be due to the process of the placenta opening small maternal blood vessels in the uterus, which it must do for the placenta and fetus to survive and grow.

The following symptoms may be cause for concern. Please contact our clinic or obstetrician if any of the following occurs:

  • Bleeding similar to a menstrual period or heavier
  • Significant cramping or pelvic pain
  • Significant ovarian pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • A fainting episode

Post-Negative Pregnancy Test Support

A negative pregnancy test can be an emotionally challenging experience for aspiring parents, and every person may cope with it differently. As soon as our patient feels ready, we encourage them to schedule a follow-up visit with their doctor at the clinic. During this appointment, we will review their cycle together and make plans for the future. This follow-up visit is a crucial step in our ongoing support for our patients.

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